What is the Individual Agreement with Canada?

The Individual Agreement is between Fort McKay First Nation and Canada. It sets out the terms and conditions for the transfer of administration and control over reserve lands to Fort McKay First Nation.

  • Canada and Fort McKay Chief and Council negotiate the Individual Agreement
  • Fort McKay members vote on the final Individual Agreement as part of the Member Ratification vote

The Individual Agreement includes:

  • A legal definition of Fort McKay First Nation reserve land, prepared by Natural Resources Canada
  • Information relating to interests in Fort McKay Land granted by Canada, for example, commercial leases for the industrial parks, utility right-of-way permits, etc.
  • Information relating to the environmental condition of Fort McKay reserve land
  • Transfer of authority over Fort McKay land from Canada to Fort McKay First Nation
  • An agreement to transfer of all Fort McKay First Nation’s revenue money held by Canada to the First Nation
  • Annual base operational funding Canada will provide to Fort McKay for land and resource management
  • An interim environmental process that Fort McKay must follow until the Nation enacts its own environmental assessment law

For more information on the Individual Agreement, or to obtain a copy of the draft Individual Agreement please contact:
Carie Santo
Land Governance and Planning Analyst
Fort McKay First Nation